Protect Your Family Time During the Busy Christmas Season in Ministry

Our 35 years in pastoral ministry (all at one church, in a suburb north of Boston) spanned all our child-rearing and launching years, from the first newborn to the last wedding. Looking back, we are not plagued by regrets that we shortchanged our kids in order to serve our congregation. However, to fact-check that impression, …

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Find Joy and Stay Connected During Advent as a Pastor’s Family

By Jere & Brenda Vincent, Family Builders Ministry The Advent season is often one of the busiest and most demanding times for ministry families. Between services, events, meetings, and the daily pastoral responsibilities, it’s easy for pastoral families to find themselves physically present yet emotionally or spiritually drained. We know firsthand that in the bustle, it …

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Alpha as a Leadership Development Tool

One of the oddest incidents in the Book of Exodus occurs when Moses’ father-in-law Jethro visits him in the Sinai wilderness (Exodus 18). Moses and the Israelites had just witnessed some of the greatest miracles in the Israel’s history: the plagues, the Passover, the Exodus, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the provision of …

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Conflict in Ministry Marriage: Challenging Your Husband with Respect

Letting a fallen sinner lead is always difficult – and sometimes no easier when he’s your husband AND the pastor of your church. It’s often confusing and frustrating for us, as pastors’ wives, to know how to support our husbands when we question a decision he has made. We sometimes struggle to know who is …

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Alpha as a Way to Build Community

In the two previous installments of this series on Alpha ministry in the local church, I’ve looked at Alpha as an evangelism tool and as a discipleship tool. Now, let’s consider Alpha as a community-building tool. Once a church grows beyond “family size,” in which Sunday morning attendance ranges from 3 to 75, it often …

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A Pastor’s Relationship to his Children

“You always put the church ahead of us!” Those were the angry words hurled at our friend by his adult daughter. The young woman had become estranged from both her pastor father and her faith a few years before, and despite repeated attempts by both parents to heal the break, she remains alienated. This pastor …

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A Pastor’s Relationship with Self

You are on a plane taxiing for takeoff; the flight attendant takes the microphone and makes the familiar announcement: “In the unlikely event the plane suddenly loses cabin pressure, oxygen masks will automatically deploy from the panel overhead.” She then demonstrates how to place the mask over the face. She concludes by emphasizing that adults …

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